How to Catch Up With Me!

Happy Monday everyone!

I know, it has been awhile. Like A WHILE. But I haven’t given up on this blog just yet. Trust me, I’ve been thinking and brainstorming and collecting and trying and thinking about it everyday. I feel like I need a new brand though. It’s actually been a very confusing time really. Do I keep doing the same thing? Do I change the name? Do I completely redo the website? Do I change the content? What should my next direction be? All these questions have been swirling around like a tornado in this crazy brain of mine.

So there’s all that going on…

And then as I mentioned last time, I have been focusing all of my time and energy into redesigning my lifestyle when it comes to eating and working out. So, since it’s now something I’m passionate about, I’d like to dive into it a little more. You know how I am, sometimes I just have to write it all out to get it out there. Yeah, this is going to be a wordy post, but bear with me!


Since January I’ve been in several accountability challenge groups on Facebook where we post our sweaty selfies, our meals, and just in general anything that we want to share or seek advice or support with. And let me tell you, I’ve done these groups before and they start and stop and then a couple weeks later we will start again and then I just kind of fizzled out. BUT this year has been a COMPLETELY different experience. The group I’m a part of is freaking fantastic and there is so much love in that group I find myself chatting with these ladies more than my own friends on the book!

There always use to be a “I can’t wait until the end of this challenge for some pizza” attitude to my workouts. Not anymore. I have made a lifestyle change. And yes, at first, it was pretty difficult, but then one day I just decided that it was time to trade in my handful of good and bad days for all good days. Everyday was going to be a good day and I was going to be happy about it. My friend started #imhealthybutialsoliketoparty and there is honestly no better way to describe it! It’s all about that balance and making better decisions. I admit, they’re not always the best decisions, but I’m human and I like beer. So, I make better decisions. And I love it.

I’ve been working out for 6 days a week for the last 2 months and it’s no longer just a 4 week challenge for me. It’s my life, my daily routine, and my happiness. I can’t tell you what being around a group of women like this has done for me, but it gives me all the feels! It’s almost annoying how much happiness is spewing out of my pores right now as I write this. Ha ha. Just kidding. But seriously. I can feel a glow around me just as I sit on the couch typing this post out like it’s my freaking job. And have I reached all of my goals. Nope. Not really. But I’m happy that I’m on my way to them!

I feel like I can kick ass at anything that is thrown my way and I want to help other people feel this way too! So. If you’re interested in hearing more about this “new found glory” of mine, then please! Reach out! I’d love to chat! And obvi, I’m feeling pretty chatty as of late.

And don’t worry, I’m not going to spew out all this mushy gushy all over you all the time. But when something makes me happy, you bet your ass I’m gonna tell you all about it!

And stay tuned! There are other things on the horizon for the blog! You can’t get rid of me that easily 😉


But seriously, I want to hear from you!


9 thoughts on “How to Catch Up With Me!

    • Thanks Erin! It was definitely a hard and long change but it totally beats being miserable! Let me know if you want help! If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!! You’re talking to the (former) queen of laziness!! 😂😂


  1. This is so great to read! I definitely need this kind of change this year! Glad you’re doing so well. I realise I’m super late reading this but since switching to self-hosted, I don’t get my usual notifications, and I just searched for your blog for a catch up 🙂 Hope all is still well xx

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