5 Random Thoughts I’ve Had Today #72

My weekly post for some entertainment; for myself and all of you!

1. Christmas wrapping has taken over my living room. Like Christmas wrapping supplies have literally thrown up all over the place. And every time I clean things up, another Amazon package shows up that I have to wrap!

2. I have finally outgrown my fear of burning candles in the house. Although, if I have to step out to get the mail I will still blow out the candle and then relight it when I get back inside. Baby steps.

3. Whoever invented socks is a genius. I mean if you really think about it…it’s such a simple idea and people wear socks everywhere! All the time. Wish I thought of that.

4. I feel like everyone and their mother has been having massive sales since Black Friday. Ehhh….probably since the week before Black Friday even! I think that everyone should just always have everything on sale. It would make shopping a lot easier.

5. I need to stop being so lazy. The cold sure did kick my ass, and I’m STILL not ready to get back to normal life. It was just a lot easier when I knew I was having soup every night for dinner.

Stay tuned for more of my interesting thoughts 😉



8 thoughts on “5 Random Thoughts I’ve Had Today #72

  1. My boyfriend calls all of my Christmas wrapping stuff (I have two huge Christmas Tupperware bins full of wrapping essentials), “Christmas puke”!! I so know what you mean about it taking over your living room! Some day I will have a bigger place and a room just for wrapping!!

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  2. Haha I love this one! Proud of you with the candles! Although it did make me laugh picturing you blowing it out to just go downstairs 😂 #safety. And omg I know. I wish i had thought of socks… or shoes…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Haha great post, per usual. Socks are the best, I’ve never thought about that though lol. I’m traveling to tons of different places, so I had all the gifts shipped there instead of packing them, so I’m going to be scrambling on that wrapping gifts things… wish me luck, hahha.

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